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Operating Beatrice

Beatrice is operated and maintained from its base at Wick harbour in the far north east of Scotland.


Wick was chosen as the location for the operational base due to its close proximity to the wind farm (around 40 minutes by Crew Transfer Vessel) and because the harbour had much of the infrastructure required to support the wind farm operations.

There are up to 90 personnel tasked with safely operating and maintaining Beatrice many of whom travel offshore daily to complete a rolling programme of works and activities.

Returned to martime industry

We invested around £20m in Wick, sensitively renovating two largely derelict harbour front buildings and re-purposing a formerly disused corner of the inner harbour area.

The buildings, designed by renowned Scottish architect and engineer Thomas Telford, were originally built to support the herring industry some 200 years ago.  We have sensitively restored them to provide a modern state of the art operational facility which includes offices, warehousing and welfare facilities.

The formerly disused corner of the inner harbour has now pontoons and all of the required infrastructure to support the berthing and operation of up to 6 Crew Transfer Vessels.

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